Once the severity of hard water in the Argyle supply or the level of chloramines becomes too high, it not only violates health standards, but it becomes a legal problem. Cities are obligated to provide their populations with water that is potable, so allowing their supply to be contaminated is a big problem.
The Safe Drinking Water Act requires that all water standards must be based on sound science in order to precedent potential health risks to the population. There is, however, a level of vagueness when it comes to the discrepancy between what is deemed “legal” versus what is “safe.” Many of the laws that regulate water quality across the nation are outdated and haven’t been adjusted in many years. This means that certain chemical and mineral levels could have fluctuated over time and might not be either legal nor safe.
Once again, the issue of hard water — a buildup of many different minerals that affect the supply — and levels of chloramines are of the biggest concern of the Argyle area. Ensuring that you have a water filtration system that is effective and reliable is important, because the law might not be regulating your supply correctly. Our systems will ensure that the water you bathe in, use on your lawn, and drink, are all purified. Don’t risk your safety by trusting anything that comes out of your tap — trust in Paragon to make sure of it.